Meet Christa
Christa is a pretty normal mom type... except for the swearing (her favorite quote is her own, “live a little, laugh a little, swear a lot”). Most days Christa can be found in her home studio, creating snarky, sweet and sassy jewelry and accessories. The hope for our collaboration cuff is to inspire you to define your naughty… and good… by being purposefully imperfect.
Christa’s guilty pleasure is the reality tv show, “Selling Sunset,” on Bravo—she must’ve been a California girl in another life. Her celebrity crush is The Royals and is one of those people who gets up at the crack of dawn to catch each of the royal weddings—now if only those amazing fascinator hats were popular here in the states.
Christa’s dream is to travel to Italy, live on the countryside, ride horses, make pasta and drink wine. She admits that she most relates to our “hot-mess” NaughtyGood Bite—let her flail girl!!! Find out more about Christa and all her awesomeness at
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